Ulrik Antoniussen Halmøy
Interested in most things that have to do with sound and computers.
Reinforcement learning for use in cross-adaptive audio processing
Expanding Collaboration in Pedál
Music for dreams
Voice augmentation with sensors
Musicking with JackTrip, JamKazam, and SoundJack - Presentations
Learning to sequence drums
Audio and Networking in the Portal - Presentations
a t-SNE adventure
NTNU Oceans
Testing out Jacktrip
MCT vs. Corona
The Immersive Portal
Multi voice mobile sampler
Camera Optimization in the Portal
Testing Latency in the Portal
Prototyping musical instruments
Portal ideas
Reflections on the Christmas concert
Music and machine learning - Group A
Orchestrash hackathon performance
Physical computing Day 1 - Group B
Entrepreneurship for MCT - Group B
The importance of sound quality
Meet MCT Group A 2019
Reflections on diversity