Touch/Tap/Blow - Exploring Intimate Control for Musical Expression
Touch/Tap/Blow is, as its name suggests, an interactive music system which aims to combine three forms of intimate control over a digital musical instrument. Notes and chords can be played via the touch interface while bass accompaniment can be driven by the player’s foot tapping. Below are the details of it’s main elements.
Sync your synths and jam over a network using Sonobus
A quick start guide to jamming over a network. Designed for instruments which can synchronize using an analog clock pulse.
The Saxelerophone: Demonstrating gestural virtuosity
A hyper-instrument tracking data from a 3-axis accelerometer and a contact microphone to create new interactive sounds for the saxophone.
Intuitive Robotics
Controlling a robot arm with medical sensors
Developing for Muzziball
Check out what we worked on as a team in this year's Applied Project.