For every year that passes new digital gadgets are introduced into our lives. Some sources indicate that a third of Norwegian adults spend between 3-6 hours just on their phone every day. Add onto it computer time, and the result is a seriously large portion of our day pushing and swiping on screens and buttons. Simultaneously we are told that we should spend more time in nature. What if you could combine both?

Introducing the Mud Tub

Two hands in a tub of mud

In the creator Tom Gerhardt’s own words, the Mud Tub “is an experimental organic interface that allows people to control a computer while playing in the mud.” Yes, you read that right. By sloshing around in wet mud, you may control your computer. Thus bridging the gap between nature and digital technology.

How it works

The bottom of the mud-filled tub is lined with pressure sensors. When you move around on the mud or apply weight on it, the program interprets this information and translates it into computer directions. It could be used to control video games, move a cursor around, and click virtual buttons. It could even be made into a musical instrument by hooking on some sounds! Granted, this would take some effort to achieve. However, the design in itself is simple enough and could be replicated by anyone with some effort. The Mud Tub is programmed in Processing, a programming language often used by newcomers to the world of coding. So why not make this a fun project?

Some inspiration

Check out Tom Gerhardt’s own video on his creation: